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  • Mindsets: Abundance vs. Scarcity

    Are you suffering from the scarcity mindset?

    The scarcity mindset and why it’s time to ditch it Not long ago I was reintroduced to the idea of scarcity as a mindset, which I believe, runs rampant in our world. Scarcity by definition is a shortness of supply:  A lack; an insufficiency of…

  • Rumi Earth and Sun Quote

  • Vulnerability: Why it's a fierce to tool for the fierce of heart.

    Vulnerability: Why it’s for the fierce of heart

    Vulnerability …(shudder) The word itself brings to mind nails on a chalkboard, it’s rife with discomfort. It’s cringeworthy. I will take my dreams, the love of my life, all that this life has to offer, but hold the vulnerability please. We’ll just file that ideology…

  • ee cummings- Be yourself quote

  • Practical tips for creating your dream life

    Practical tips for creating your dream life

    The Big Conundrum: Getting clear on what your dream life looks like If you are anything like me, and I am guessing you are because you’re here, then you know very intimately what it feels like to be plugging through life without a holy clue…

  • 5 Tips to Help You Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions

    5 tips to help you stick to your new years resolutions

    It’s Time to Set Some New Year’s Resolutions, babes! The new year is quickly approaching and for many of us that means rampin’ up to be better versions of ourselves in the year to come. We get all introspecty and start setting insane goals for…

  • Meditation for beginners

    Meditation for Beginners: Your Ultimate Guide

    So, you’re looking into beginning a meditation practice, huh? Great idea, yo…and good news, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to Meditation for Beginners 101.  I am a firm believer in developing a practice, it’s just good soul business, you know? If you’re wary…

  • shirley chisholm

    Shirley Chisholm – Lady Extraordinaire

    Shirley Chisholm  Shirley Chisholm, born November 30th 1924, became the first African-American congresswoman in 1968, the beginning of a seven term stay in the House of Representatives. Throughout her career she was a champion for minority education and social justice. In 1972, she would go…

  • secret of getting ahead mark twain

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