5 tips to help you stick to your new years resolutions

It’s Time to Set Some New Year’s Resolutions, babes!

The new year is quickly approaching and for many of us that means rampin’ up to be better versions of ourselves in the year to come. We get all introspecty and start setting insane goals for ourselves as if our lives depended on it. Inevitably however, New Year’s Day comes and goes, taking our resolutions with it. I mean, when was the last time you stuck to your revamped vision for yourself? I know I don’t have a six pack, errr, I mean I do…but, you know. I don’t. The list of discarded human resolutions could wrap around the earth a thousand times over. In light of this, shall I say, epidemic, I decided to throw together a power packed tipaganza to help us set some awesome goals, and by golly reach them! Let’s get crackin’…

 Tips for sticking to your resolutions…

1) Don’t go bonkers, start with setting one goal for yourself.

It’s so easy to treat goal setting like you’re a contestant on Supermarket Sweep. You know, that show where they ran through the grocery store with a shopping cart and tried to fill it up as fast as possible? Or something like that. Anyway, don’t treat goals this way. Set one meaningful goal to focus on. Too many goals and they just end up competing with each other and all of them get done half-assed, or worse yet, not at all.

2) Get really clear; be specific.

1: My goal is to make more money this year.


2: My goal is to make $2,000 per month this year.

Number one could mean anything. Making one cent more during the year would be an achievement under it’s fogginess. Don’t.

Instead, you want to give yourself something very clear to be working towards. This can help combat feelings of discouragement because you have given yourself an end point, ie: you will know when you have achieved your goal. Woo HOO! Uncork the champs!

3) Write them down.

Writing down your goal is a simple but effective way to help keep yourself on track. Get into the habit of reading your goal everyday. Keep it fresh. Remember why you set it in the first place. Studies show you are more likely to achieve your goal if you write it down.

4) Don’t set goals you’re wishy washy about. You’ve got to want it.

This is a big one. It sounds easy enough but I think a lot of people glide past this, putting plans and goals out into the great unknown all willy nilly. Don’t set a goal you think you should set or because it is the hot new thing, like committing to a years worth of CrossFit. Set a goal you actually want to achieve (if that’s a years worth of CrossFit, go bananas!).

5) Chunk your goals down into bite sized pieces.

Set milestones for yourself. I like this one.

Goals can often leave me feeling the dreaded overwhelm, like when my house is a complete wreck and I just don’t know where to start the clean up, so I just put it off.  However, if I just decide that I am going to take a few days to tackle it, starting with the bathroom and living room one day, moving on to the kitchen the next and so on, it makes it much more doable and I get it done. Happy wife, happy husband.

If your goal is to write your memoir, instead of saying that you will write it by the end of the year, chunk it down. Decide to write a certain number of words per day. Keep building on that, and your memoir will indeed get finished.


Celebrate your achievements!

Pat yourself on the back every once in awhile, girl. Treat yourself the way you would treat your best friend who’s kicking ass. Look yourself in the mirror and let yourself know that you are proud of YOU!



Do you have any goal setting tips? How are you planning on keeping your New Year’s resolutions? I would love to hear! Let me know in the comments below.



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